Thursday, March 18, 2010

Snow cone mania!

It's no secret around here that Brittany Pelletz is obsessed with snow cones. She even made us put in today's news that snow cone stands are starting to open!

Hard Rock Snow Cones on Judge Ely Blvd. is open for business in the afternoons. We also here there is one on South 14th near the Shell station that's already open.

What's your favorite local snow cone stand?


1 comment:

  1. LoL...You got that right, Laura. Go figure today when I went to get video, they weren't open! Which means, I didn't get a snowcone. Oh well, there will be plenty of time from now through the summer. Good news for people that live near the TV station on S. 14th...rumor has it that, a new stand is going across the street (I believe in the shopping center with the Card and Party Store) ; )
